Sunday, March 9, 2014


You are probably wondering why I’m writing this article and what’s it doing in a “Plastic Surgery” blog.  Well, the answer is pretty simple really, if you think about it.  Whatever we do to our bodies and faces, if we can’t maintain it with proper nutrition, it all goes down the drain.  Right?  Is the answer found in the “Fountain of Youth”, one of history’s long sought-after mysteries or should we look for answers amongst the people who live longer and healthier lives? I believe that the trick is actually there!

What are blue zones?

Blue Zone is a concept used to identify a demographic and/or geographic area of the world where people live measurably longer and healthier lives, as described in Dan Buettner's book, "The Blue Zones: Lessons for Living Longer from people who lived the longest."  Several of these blue zones exist, and in each of these places people living to 90 or even 100 years is common.  And they aren’t just living long either – these people are living healthy – without medication or disability.

The five blue zones are:

·      The Italian island of Sardinia
·      Okinawa, Japan
·      Loma Linda, California
·      Costa Rica’s isolated Nicoya Peninsula
·      Ikaria, an isolated and beautiful Greek island in the Aegean Sea

What’s their secret?

Cutting to the chase … their secret is really no surprise.  It’s their lifestyle! And the right lifestyle can have a dramatic impact on longevity and health.  It is a matter of waking up and realizing that the gift of a long and healthy life is already in the hands of each and every one of us.  The aim though should be to … keep a good grip on this gift and never let go.  It’s a matter of choice!

How to create your own Blue Zone?

Follow the 9 lessons learned from the inhabitants of the Blue Zones and create your own “Fountain of Youth”:

1.    Move naturally – no need to run marathons or pump iron, simply work around the house and garden, walk, cycle etc.  In other words be active.
2.    Know your purpose – give yourself a reason for waking up each and every morning but creating dreams, building upon them and pursue them with passion.
3.    Kick back – say goodbye to stress and slow down.  Easier said than done for most, but there is a way.  Take a nap in the middle of the day, go to happy hour after work, meditate, take a few deep breaths, go on vacation whenever possible …
4.    Eat less – food is there to keep us going, not to stop us altogether.  Huge meals will only bring us down.  The 80% rule states that we should stop eating when we are 80% full.  Also, 80% of the food we eat now is to keep us going, the other 20% is to keep our doctors going!
5.    Eat less meat – The less meat we eat, the better off we are.  In the US there is a tremendous overconsumption of meat.  Basically, the Mediterranean Diet is the one to follow, with beans being the cornerstone of most centenarians. Thus opt for vegetables and more “live” foods, rather than processed ones.  
6.    Drink in moderation – “Is it WINE-o’clock yet”? Have a glass or two of red wine every day.
7.    Have faith – denomination does not matter at all, but attending faith-based services seems to do.  So, feed your soul, not just your body.
8.    Power of love – put your family first.
9.    Stay social – build a social network that supports healthy behaviors and consciously choose to “associate with the right people”, as Dan Buettner says!

The final lesson:

We create our own destiny … thus choose wisely!

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