Tuesday, May 27, 2014


… as the song by The Chainsmokers says!  And it seems that nowadays, whatever we do, wherever we are, we have to take a selfie! 

What is a selfie?  Well, the Oxford Dictionary defines it as “a photograph that one has taken of oneself, typically one taken with a smartphone or webcam and loaded to a social media website”.   On November 19th, 2013, they even went ahead to announce selfie as their international Word of the Year 2013.  The Word of the Year is a word (or an expression) that has attracted a great deal of interest during the year to date.  The Oxford Dictionaries’ editors conducted language research revealing that the frequency of the word selfie in the English language has increased by a staggering 17,000% since the same time last year. 

So where does that leave us?  What does this mean?  Is technology taking over and we are victims of trends? Have selfies influenced our existence?  Thinking about it, I was actually reading the TIMES the other day, and it said: “As tweens and teens try to form their identity, selfies serve as a way to test how they look, and therefore feel, in certain outfits, make-up, poses and places.  And because they live in a digital world, self-portraits provide a way of participating and affiliating with that world.”

Having read that, actually scared me … I got to realize that selfies can actually be influential in molding the sense of self … something that a few years ago we would do by reading books, searching the web, listening to the news, watching people and interacting with them, and even following fashion trends … but this … this gadget/camera we have in our hands is actually taking more control of our “being” than anything else in history.

            But it seems that I’m not the only one inquiring about the effect of selfies!  A survey conducted by the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery is actually coming out saying that the selfie culture is actually even changing the cosmetic surgery numbers and shifting the trends.  The survey found that 30% of the facial plastic surgeons surveyed saw an increase in requests for procedures due to patients being more self aware of looks in social media and that a great number of patients were dissatisfied with their own image on social media sites.   This is really having a poll on self-confidence with people needing to hold a microscope up to their image and self-critique it.  Even if these pictures are taken from our most flattering angle, they still may have lighting issues and they may still force us to see whether we are comfortable … within our skin!  After all, these images, uploaded in the social media sites, are the “first impressions” given to other young people, potential romantic partners and even employers!

            The outcome?  A 30% increase in “changing appearance” procedures performed on younger patients, when prior the selfie-era, the facial procedures where mainly performed to prevent or erase the visible signs of aging. And now you may ask: What are the “changing appearance” procedures?  Well, they include, but are not limited to otoplasty, rhinoplasty, mentoplasty, cheek implants, lip augmentation, scar revisions, and so on.

            Otoplasty, also known as ear surgery, will get rid of protruding ears that may have given us the cruel nicknames of “Dumbo” or “Mickey Mouse” from our beloved classmates! This surgery can offer a real emotional boost in addition to its cosmetic benefits.
            Rhinoplasty, also known as nose surgery, will enhance the appearance of the nose, a part of our breathing system that unfortunately sits right in the middle of our face and has a great impact on our appearance.  With proper analysis, realistic patient expectations and the skills of a qualified and board certified facial plastic surgeon, rhinoplasty is a very rewarding procedure, which makes a huge difference in overall facial harmony.
            Mentoplasty, also known as chin surgery, will help give balance to the face and create a major part of one’ s profile, especially if the procedure is done on a “weak chin” which obviously is not an asset.  This procedure may take one of two routes: chin augmentation or chin reduction.  The augmentation is achieved with the help of chin implants available in a wide variety of sizes and shapes, while the reduction sculpts the bone to a more pleasing size.
            Cheek implants add aesthetically pleasing definition to the face improving the contour of the middle of the face creating higher and more prominent cheekbones. The size and contour of the cheek implants to be used will be determined by your plastic surgeon and custom fit to achieve the most natural looking results.
            Lip augmentation is basically a cosmetic procedure that can give fuller and plumber lips but can still change the overall balance of the face and give … better selfies!
            Scar revision is needed when the skin is injured from a cut or tear and the body heals by forming scar tissue.  These scars may range from being nearly visible to very obvious and disfiguring, often times acting a reminder of the traumatic experience associated with it. There are various surgical techniques used in scar revision and it really all depends on the scar, where it is located and how it looks.  A visit to your plastic surgeon will give you all the options available for this revision surgery and may be even a bad memory erasure!

            And now that I’m done with the article … let me take a selfie!!!  NOT!!!

Works cited:
2)    www.webmd.com
3)    www.aafprs.org

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